
Thursday, May 27, 2004

"Blame Me"

Anecdote, repeated in Soderbergh's Traffic, tells of the day Khruschev had to leave power to the new Soviet leader. He met the new man in his office, left him two letters and said: "Whenever you find yourself in trouble, follow the instructions in the letters". Few years later, new man in charge found himself in trouble. He went to his office and opened first letter. The letter said: "Blame me". The man did just that and remained in power. Few more years passed and new trouble came. The new man went back to his office and opened another letter. The letter said: "Start writing two letters".

I'm reminded of this anecdote when I hear news of Sanader's government deciding not to implement its recently passed legislation and slash VAT from 22% to 20%. Lowering VAT rate was one of Sanader's most attractive elections promises and Sanader tried to build his post-election credibility on the most immediate and uncompromising implementation of the promise. But, few months and few discussions with IMF officials later, Sanader apparently had a change of mind and announced that VAT would remain at 22%.

As a part of damage control, Sanader also began to lambaste Račan's (Racan's) government for "creating mess of state finances" and thus suggesting that all the reforms, all the tax reduction and the return of welfare benefits to mothers, veterans etc. are going to be scrapped.

Sanader's government is currently at "Blame Me" stage and would remain there for a long time.


Blogger Davor Moravek said...

My dear friend, the government of 3rd january 2000 was in the "Blame me" stage for 3 years!
You know, "Blame me" is our national sport (look at soccer for instance).
"Blame me" for Stalin, "Blame me" for K und K...
We also still have "Blame me" for Italian, people of Venice, for Valebit (as we could not plant trees last 5 centuries).

noebius aka Davor

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A mene podsjeća na onu drugu anegdotu, o Bračaninu (jebi ga, ja san Splićanin i već dvajs godin živin vanka - u moje vrime tukci u viceviman su bili Bračani), dakle Bračaninu koji je pošao u New York. Njegov prijatelj, inače veliki zajebant, prije polaska ga uputi:
- Ti se ništa ne brini za jezik, Engleski ti je zapravo isti kao i Hrvatski, samo moraš govoriti jaaakooo poooolaaaakoooo.

I tako naš Bračanin dođe u New York, sjedne u taksi i reče vozaču:
- Voooziii meeeee uuuuu naaaajbliži reeestoooraaaan.

Vozač mu odgovori:
- Oooodmaaaaahh, goooospooooodiiiineeee.

I tako se oni voze i pričaju, zaista pooolaaaakoooo, dok u neko doba vozač ne upita Bračanina odakle je i ovaj mu odgovori:

- Iiiiiizz Suuuuutiiivanaaaa na Broooooocu.

Taksisti se ozari lice, zaustavi auto, okrene se svojem putniku sa velikim osmjehom domoljubne radosti na licu i klikne:

- Enti onega, a co onda nas dvo ingleški govorimo!!!

Eto, ja se to isto pitam: what the f...lick are we talking English for? Ain't we all, ako već ne iz Broca, a ono makar iz kraja gdje Engleski baš i nije materinji jezik? Usput, ima li tko od vas, prijatelji iz zavičaja, video sa Severinom pa da mi dade link (uh, opet Engleski!).

pozdrav iz dijaspore,

12:00 PM  

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