
Thursday, August 14, 2003

On the Eastern Front…

In the meantime, it becomes apparent that Croatian chauvinism isn't the only chauvinism in Croatia. In the war-torn border city of Vukovar, where Croat and Serb communities live in virtual state of apartheid, couple of monuments celebrating fallen Croatian heroes from 1991-95 War were damaged by vandals. In nearby villages there is increasing number of graffiti praising Vojislav Šešelj (Vojislav Seselj) and cause of extreme Serb nationalism.

Needless to say, chauvinisms feed each other. According to some polls, Ivić Pašalić's (Ivic Pasalic's) HB –"unreformed" splinter group of Tudjman's HDZ – fares much better in Eastern Slavonia than in the rest of country. This is probably because of local nationalists being more comfortable with Pašalić's (Pasalic's) "real" than with Sanader's "made up" version of Tudjmanism.


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