
Sunday, May 30, 2004

Emmerich Defeated

So, Shrek 2 defeated Day After Tomorrow at American box-office. It is too early to speculate about whether politics had any effect on those results. Just like most of Hollywood films, this one made better results on the overseas than on US market. However, left-wing groups embracing this film as their own, subsequent controversies and memories of 9-11 could have easily played the part. It is too early to tell whether Day After Tomorrow could gain ground in subsequent weeks, but I'm little bit sceptical. If environmentalists hoped to turn Day After Tomorrow into left-wing answer to Passion, they were wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dragan. i am an american, studying politics in Zagreb. i read your blogs frequently. i think they are very insightful. i have a question for you. Now that Sanader and HDZ are 6 months into their mandate, what do you think of what they have done? are they living up to their image as moderate, or do you think that they have started to slip back into the party that they once were.

you can email me at or else i will check your site to see if you have responded. thanks.

1:51 PM  

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