
Sunday, November 28, 2004

Big Brother Croatia Update: Endgame Approaching

The most credible source of the information about what really goes on in Big Brother House is the live stream, although the perspective based on that can be limited due to only two cameras, questionable editorial choices, poor camera angles and frequent technical problems. Another more credible source are news updates on RTL Televizija and T-Com official sites, although the former come with 24 hours delay and the latter covers only mornings and afternoons of the same day. TV daily summaries are subject to heavy editing, partly in order to raise ratings, partly in order to comply with new media standards. The least credible source of them is Jutarnji list. At least this impression can be made by Paola Bajlo, Marina's sister, who used her appearance on Friday's daily show to deny that she had ever considered Alen as Marina's choice for nomination.

Because of that, Željko's (Zeljko's) statement published to today's edition of Jutarnji list – potentially the greatest Big Brother bombshell so far - should be taken with a large grain of salt. Željko, despite more than obvious interest for him by female section of Croatian jet-set gathered on post-eviction party in Zagreb's Piranha Bar on Friday – singer Lana Jurčević (Lana Jurcevic) has flirted with him despite the presence of her boyfriend – has largely ignored any woman other than his sister Gordana (with whom he got re-united after two and half years in the show's cheesiest Ricki Lake moment so far). Finally, Jutarnji list reporter confronted him with a question raised in many Internet forums – his sexual orientation. Željko simply refused to answer that question. While some Croatians would applaud his decision to keep at least some of the privacy, many would see his plea of no contest as an implicit admission.

In the meantime, situation in House is somewhat calmer than many have feared after Friday's nominations. Ana didn't do anything overtly dramatic except for keeping her word and refusing to cook any more. There are constant recriminations and bad blood between the Axis and their former ally Valentina who now desperately wants to make friends with the male section of House. Ana, just like the rest of the housemates, expects to be evicted on Friday and she already expressed the desire to take Biggy with her. She claims that she got too attached to the dog and she, in most likelihood, loves him more than any other housemate (and at some occasions gives impression of giving preference to Biggy over the rest of man kind in general).

Ana's suspicions might become reality only if her hissy fits manage to alienate even more viewers. But it is unlikely. Extra week for Ana in the House means more drama and more ratings, and it is quite certain that Tanja Pureta and her team of psychologists would try hard to prevent her from doing something overtly dramatic like following Antonija through the gates on Friday. Polls also suggest that 60-70 % voters favour Antonija's eviction (although some suggest more even 50-40 split).

Antonija's case isn't going to be helped by some of her post-nomination reaction. While discussing the situation on Friday she tried to put the brave face on her predicament she said that "1 million HRK" isn't exactly "great sum of money" because it could buy only "a car and, if you live in Zagreb, an apartment". This statement isn't going to sit well in the nation where pensioners who go out at night to scavenge trashcans for food isn't such a rare sight.

Unpopularity of Antonija and Ana shouldn't be explained only by their pre-nomination arrogance (they have spent most of past week calling Željko "The Nominated One") but also with their heavy Dalmatian accents. Croatians are in this particular time very frustrated with the apparent inability of public opinion to affect prime minister Ivo Sanader and force the resignation of widely unpopular foreign minister Miomir Žužul (Miomir Zuzul). Sanader and Žužul are both Dalmatians and although Žužul speaks with the hinterland accent much closer to Valentina's, it is easy to imagine some of this frustration and anti-Dalmatian sentiment being channelled into intense dislike of Antonija and Ana.

Those who fared well on last week's nomination, on the other hand, are already planning for the future. Alen felt confident enough to express his preference for the final four to other two in men's bedroom – three men and Marina. At this stage, this, together with Saša's (Sasa's) victory, appears to be the most likely outcome of the game. Yesterday morning, Zdravko, Saša and Marina were discussing what they would like to do with 1 million HRK if they win it. Marina said that she would have liked to be in final four, but that she didn't expect to win. Than she admitted that her motives for entry into show were other than fame or excitement – some of the grand prize should help her family to pay debts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is characteristic of a heavy Dalmatian accent?

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Antonija's case isn't going to be helped by some of her post-nomination reaction. While discussing the situation on Friday she tried to put the brave face on her predicament she said that "1 million HRK" isn't exactly "great sum of money" because it could buy only "a car and, if you live in Zagreb, an apartment". This statement isn't going to sit well in the nation where pensioners who go out at night to scavenge trashcans for food isn't such a rare sight."

I find the above statement interesting considering the Croatian public's apparent "love/respect" for Kreso, not to mention Ozren, after their walking off the show, thus throwing away their chance at a million HRK. I don't remember hearing anything even close to the same reaction concerning these two childish quitters. Regardless of what one may think of Antonija personally, at least she did not run away from her commitment, and has done her part playing the BB game.

As an aside, I find BB's allowing of Kreso & Ozren to still participate in BB events/show to be very wrong and certainly does not send out an ethcal message to Croatian youth. Plus it definatly sets an unhealthy standard for future BB's.

12:14 AM  
Blogger Dragan said...

Re: Dalmatian Accent

Although it is somewhat difficult to describe Dalmatian accent to non-Croatian speakers, I remember an anecdote told by of my acquaintances. They were on the visit to their relatives in France. When they were speaking Croatian with Dalmatian accent, French people mistook them for Italians.

The accent is the issue in Big Brother, just like it is an issue outside Big Brother. In some areas of Zagreb people who allow themselves to speak with Dalmatian accent are as likely to become victim of skinheads and street thugs as blacks, Asians, Gypsies, homosexuals etc. Regional tensions between Croatian North and South – before reflected only in soccer fans' feuds – played the part in Big Brother.

Re: Ozren & Krešo (Kreso) vs. Antonija

Krešo won nation's sympathies by throwing away 1 million HRK for "patriotic" reasons and doing in the most spectacular manner possible. Ozren, on the other hand, is now sorely missed by those who complain about lack of conflict and "fun" in the House, but when Ozren was in the House everyone wanted him to leave (and his departure wasn't as voluntary as in the case of Krešo).

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Poštovani građani građanke !

Ne glasajte na izborima 17. svibnja 2009, za bivše komuniste i one koji su s njima surađivali. I tako ćemo se spasiti od svih njihovih laži i napasti, odnosno od krvi što su je prolili obečavajući nam bolji život i budućnost. Vrijeme je da ih se riješimo za uvijek. A ne da nam oni i dalje siju panaroju*, da nas svađaju i zavode.. Gospodarska sitoacija je teška; ljudi ne rade i ne proizvode dobra – a tako se ne može dalje živjeti. Ne smije nas zavarati to što su oni se preobukli u druge kapute, ti reformirani komunisti, koji skrasili su se u HDZ-u i SDP-u, i drugim strankama sa hrvatskim nazivima. Okupimo se na ovim izborima i recimo im: NE, drugovi nemožete više ići dalje. Dosta je bilo! Opljačkali ste našu zemlju i ponizili ste narod. Što oni imaju nam više reći: Mesić, Sanader, Čačić, Milovanović,.., Pusićka, Adlešoćka i Kosorka,.., i drugi. Što oni imaju nam više obećavati i poručivati? Mi, nemamo ih što više slušati. Oni nam nameću neke svoj morbidne* „nove priće“, a u biti, oni su podlaci i prevaranti... Pitam: Kako krivokletnici mogu biti dobri ljudi i pošteni političari? Politička kriza u Hrvatskoj prijeti potpunoj destabilizaciji zemlje, a mi slušamo i dalje gluposti kako nas oni vode u EU i to pognute glave na koljenima.

Oprostiti im ne možemo, sve što su nam učinili (ne samo) onih prošlih 45 godina jugoslavenske vladavine, nego i ova dva zadnja desetljeća – od pljački i rasprodaje nacionalne imovine... Pa do otpuštanja u pretvorbi i privatizaciji radnika iz tvornica – do bogačenja i bahatosti... Oni svoje velebne obiteljske kuće s bazenima vam pokazuju, još se i dalje kandidiraju na izborima i slikaju. Izgradili su se cijela naselja sa luksuznim kućama – a i dalje vi to plaćate iz vlastitog džepa. Narode dignite se agresivno na ovim izborima, ne dozvolite im da vas ponižavaju. Jer oni su (vama) kao oligarhija* i ozbiljnja prijetnja. Da nestanete vi i vaša obitelj.

Njima se „fučka“ kako vi živite. I to je sve - zato što još 1991-tih nismo donesli i usvojili Zakon o lustraciji, kojim bi zabranili daljnji rad „griješnicima“ da rade u institucijama države. U Hrvatskoj postoji oko 900 stratišta – gdje su stradali Hrvati od „komunističke ruke“. Čuli smo ovih dana kako je Stjepan Mesić, predsjednik RH, dao svoju izjavu za srpke medije i to dok je bio u Strazbourgu: da Hrvatska će povući tužbu za ratne štete i genocid. Da potom bi Mesić drugi dan doputovao u Hrvatsku i to sve glatko demantirao. Eto kakvog imamo predsjednika – koji Hrvatima nabija šokove, koji im se ismijava, manipulira, i zavodi. I koji se inati onima koje predstavlja. Ne možemo mi bez Mesićevih cirkusa i viceva. Kako nadbiskupa Srakića nije sram što je došao se pokloniti u Jasenovac, nakon toga što je Mesić ispljuvao i izvrijeđao Katoličku crkvu – da je ona bila bastion* nasila u službi fašizma. Hrvatima se stalno nabija na nos neka „kilektivna krivnja“, i to nam stalno čini Mesić i njegovi savjetnici, odnosno bivši UDB-aši.

Ako hoćemo svi skupa da Hrvatska stane na zdrave noge, onda znamo što nam je dalje činiti. A u protivnom ako tako nećemo – biti ćemo taoci i njihovi sluge i robovi. Građani i građanke još jednom vam otvoreno govorim i pozivam vas – okupimo se 17. svibnja 2009., neka to bude Božji skup, koji mora pobjediti ovo veliko zlo. Učinimo to za bolji život i za naše potomke, tj. Djecu. Da dostojanstveno i časno žive u svojoj domovini Hrvatskoj.

U B jelovaru; 07.04.2009.
Branko Stojković
091/797-65-56, 095/814-82-90

5:15 PM  

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