
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Those Who Don't Make It and Those Who Do

Future might be bring many things to Vibor "Vibby" Kalogjera but diplomatic career isn't among them. Croatia's best-known blogger has just been sacked from his post at Croatian Embassy in Washington.

In the meantime, his embattled boss Miomir Žužul (Miomir Zuzul) is somewhat less embattled than he was only few days ago. State Attorney's office, after reviewing the whole "Imostroj" business, announced that there weren't any wrongdoings. That was enough for Sanader to finally stand behind his foreign minister and issue such statement a week before the formal start of parliamentary debate about Žužul's eventual removal.

What ultimately saved Žužul was, however, the very same thing that had led IDS to break opposition ranks and support foreign minister – his downfall would be seen as the defeat of pro-European faction of HDZ and would ultimately strengthen the hand of hard-line nationalists and Eurosceptics. Some of government-friendly and some not so government-friendly but staunchly pro-European media are pushing the similar line allegedly coming from Brussels. Žužul's close ties with Bush's administration and American business community, which were often used as an argument against him, became less insulting after Bush's victory. With Bush being four more years in USA, men like Žužul are seen as Croatian diplomatic asset rather than liability.


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